Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jakob's Birthday

Jakob turned seven this year yes seven!!! I can't even believe how big he's getting!!! I really can't believe that I've been a mom for SEVEN years!!! Anyway his birthday was very fun! Jakob had two birthday parties for him(lucky dog) one for family and one for friends. Here is a pic of him opening up a present.
Thanks to Tara Rew we were able to have this huge blow up water slide in the back yard!!! It was obviously the main attraction. The boys went crazy!!
Jakob got a new water gun from one of his friends so they had a huge water gun fight. Jakob was very good at making sure that everyone had a turn with his new gun that squirted RED water.
I got some little kids crafts for the kids to do they thought it was pretty cool although it was kinda windy so all the little stickers kept flying away and i had to keep picking them up. It was worth it though.
They loved the cupcakes!!
We ended up haveing 12 kids 11 boys and one lonely little girl who had a blast anyway. It was crazy haveing soooo many kids but it was a lot of fun and Jakob loved it so that's all that mattered to me!!!

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