Sunday, March 29, 2009

Zakry's Birthday

Since Zakry and Mikah's birthdays are only two days apart we usually have their birthday parties at the same time. I'm sure it won't always be this way but for now it seems to work out just fine. Zakry's birthday was on a Sunday so we didn't really do anything out of our regular Sunday routine. . .we did have Robbie's parents and siblings over that evening for a little party for the boys. Zakry loved all of his gifts, but he especially loves the Diego presents. He is totally into Diego actually he thinks he is Diego so he would get especially excited if what he saw was Diego clothes, movies, toys, it doesn't matter. I made him a small personal sized cake with a big Diego candle on top. It turned out really cute. . .and he thought it was awesome. I still can't believe it's been three years. I still treat him like he's my baby (although I should prolly stop!!) i just can't help myself he's just still so small. He weighs 23 Lbs and just tiny. He's adorable. I think all in all he was happy with his birthday. Mikah and Zakry really do love each other a lot and are truly excited to be able to share their birthdays together. They really are good boys if not very curious and a bit rowdy. . .but then they wouldn't be boys would they?


Gosfam said...

He is so cute!! I agree on the tiny part. Peyton weighs 23lbs too. So they really are the same size. Peyton may have him a little on height :) So when are you coming to visit?

The Christensen Family said...

I just love the last picture. How cute is that!?