Monday, January 26, 2009

Halloween in January

So some people have been bugging me to see the boys in their halloween costumes so here they are. I always try to out due the last year costumes. I deffinently did this time but I don't know if they quit stand up to the three amigos. . . i would have to say BEST COSTUMES EVER!!

Let me tell you getting three little boys to pose for the camera is not easy. At least not my three little ones. I have a bunch of shots that I'll put up. Each one shows their different personalities!!

We went to see Rob at work and everyone there loved the costumes

It Was fun. Soory about my random posts. . .I know that old news isn't as exciteing. I"ll really try to do better about posting.:)

1 comment:

Gosfam said...

So talented Meg!! They are adorable costumes. Maybe I need to get into the sewing scene.