Monday, January 26, 2009

Found my camera!!

My lovely adorable boys might have done something to my nice new camera that I got for my birthday so i was looking for my old camera and found it hidden in a drawer that I know I didn't put it in. When I asked them where it was it was all "I don't know" and" I didn't do it!!" After reviewing all the evidence the case is closed and I know that ALL three of them had a hand in it. Here is some of the evidence. . . Clue #1 Clue #2 Clue #3
Some of my favorite pictures that came from the "photo Shoot"

You just never know what youre gunna find:) They're always making me laugh (even if they've gotten into trouble).


Carson, Trisha, and the Mancub said...

I can totally see the boys taking those pictures, it is so cute and it makes me laugh just thinking about it!

Sara said...

That was adorable I love the shot of the chubby belly. So cute!

Gosfam said...

What little stinkers :) I mean professional photographers!!

Kate said...

That is so funny, but they were actually pretty good photos! lol.

The Christensen Family said...

I have boys that still take my camera and take pictures of who knows what,and video. So hang on and enjoy.