Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Sun

Sorry it's been so long life just gets so......well....LIFE, need i say more? A few weeks back Rob and I took the boys to his annual work party down at the park where there is food and games for a small fee. Anyway we had a blast, and the kids loved it too. Actually watching them was the funnest part.

First we ate... Jakob and Mikah had chicken cut up into nice manageable pieces but Zakry wasn't going to have any of that. He wanted a hamburger and at first i tried to help but then he grabbed it from me, said "my do it" and ate most of it...and it was a big burger!

The food was pretty good.
After we ate we went to the huge blow up slide it was so cute watching Mikah go down he would go up and sit down then inch closer and closer to the side so that he could go down. It took him a little while to build up the courage, but he was determined to go down.

After the slide we went to the bouncy house of coarse they loved that one.....don't all kids?

Bouncing made us tired so we went fishing and played other games for prizes like tattoos, gotta love that huh? anyway the fishing was fun.

Did I mention the fishing was for ducks? Time for treats!!! Zakry had never had a slushy so he was trying to lick it. It was so cute!
Of coarse we couldn't pass up the cotton candy, but boy was it sticky!! Everyone ended up with very messy faces!!

It was a good day.


Tara said...

I love my nephews! What cute pictures! Jakobs and Zakrys mohawks look so cute, and who doesnt love messy cotton candy faces! :)

The Stevens: said...

Looks like you had a Great time... love the messy faces, and end of the day picts...:)

Cordova House said...

Hey Megan,

It's Melissa here. So glad you found our blog! I lost track of your last comment before I got back to following your link to write you back so I'm so glad you wrote again. Your boys are so cute! I'm thinking that the next time around we could just switch babies; and then you can have a girl, and we can get a boy:)

And I'm totally with you on the matching thing. Brian doesn't understand why I buy matching clothes for the girls when Aubrey doesn't really need any more clothes. I try to explain, but I don't think he will ever understand:) Take care!

Gosfam said...

oh how fun, I love the hairdos. Nicely styled mohawks. :)